- network with business professionals worldwide Home Page
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Business Calendar of Events
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About BNI: the biggest and best Networking organization in the world
Contacting Us
Simply fill in the information below and click on “Submit Meeting” to submit your listing to the Calendar. The listing will be added to the Calendar after review, and deleted at midnight of the event date. Increase Your Attendance! Be sure to tell all of your regular meeting and event attendees about BusinessNetworking.Com so they can check your meeting listings, and tell their friends and colleagues!

All input data fields below are required.

Please choose which calendar to add this event to:
Business Meetings (including Business Meetings,
Chamber of Commerce Events,
Association Events, etc.)
Trade Shows (including Trade Shows
Business Expos,
Conventions, etc.)
 – BNI Chapter Meetings (use the BNI Directory Join feature)
Month – Day, Year:
 – ,  
Number of Days:
(example; 7:00am – 8:30am)
Title of Meeting:
(example; purpose of meeting, who should attend, topics to be covered, directions)
Contact Information: