Phone 855-854-7424
Direct Number 855-697-8833
Mobile Number 860-398-1732
Mr. David Brill
Phoenix Cleaning & Restoration/Just Contents
5 Capital Drive
Wallingford, CT 06492
David BrillPhoenix Cleaning & Restoration/Just ContentsChapter: Midstate (Middletown) Cleaning, Restoration-Cleaning |
My BusinessPhoenix Cleaning and Restoration/Just Contents is a full service cleaning and restoration company. We handle emergency board ups after a fire, we can inventory, move out and clean/deodorize and restore the contents, clean and deodorize the structure and rebuild the structure. The same hold for furnace issues/puffbacks. We can perform emergency water extraction and structural dry out and can fix the damage caused by the water. We are certified mold remediators and can safely clean and remove mold from a structure and/or contents. Phoenix Cleaning and Restoration: Large enough to pull you from the ashes, small enough to care.