When: 10/23/08
Start Time: 7:30 AM
End Time: 9:00 AM
Meeting Location: Freskos Restaurant
Location Phone: 860-677-5599
Address: 5 East Main Street
City: Avon
Directions: In Old Avon Village, on the corner of Route 44 and Route 202. In the white frame building on the north east side of the intersection. PLEASE use MAP QUEST to get exact directions.
Map: View Map
Cost: N/A
Non-Member Cost: N/A
Contact: Terri Culley
Contact’s Phone: 860 673-1483
Contact’s Email: [email protected]
Additional Information: Want to recession-proff you business? Invest an hour and a half of your time to see how we conduct more business before nine a.m. than most businesses do all day! Visitor Day, October 23, 7:30 a.m., Freskos Restaurant, Route 44, in Avon.